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Thursday, October 09, 2008

Senate Candidate Dykstra on Health Care Reform

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Joel Dykstra talks about health care and what is needed for reform in this video.

Dykstra has lived overseas in England and Italy under government health care systems, so he has experienced first-hand what these systems are like--and realizes they are the last thing we want here in the United States.

"Free" health care doesn't work very well, and involves a heavy tax burden--no matter how much or how little the use the service.

"Free" government health care also involves rationing and long, long waiting periods (how long can you wait when you're hurting...or perhaps even dying?)

Dykstra also points out that many of the socialist systems in Europe have behind-the-scenes private health care systems that can be accessed by those wealthy enough to go outside the pitiful nationalized system the common people are subjected to.

South Dakota doesn't need to re-elect a representative in the U.S. Senate from a party which is hurtling down the path to a nationalized health care debacle; we need a representative who is dedicated to fixing our system and returning it to the free-market model that made America great.

And maintaining consumer involvement and personal choice--things that would go out the window under a government health care system.

I know; I, too, lived in England for three years and have experienced government health care for myself. It is NOT something we want here in the land of the free and the home of the brave.


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