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Monday, October 06, 2008

Politico Coverage of Obama-Ayers Association

More on Barack Obama's associations with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers from The Politico.

The article says that Ayers was persona non grata at a liberal educators’ conference in 2006. Yet it seems Obama has no reservations about being involved with him.

Dr. Young and another guest, Maria Warren, described it similarly: as an introduction to Hyde Park liberals of the handpicked successor to Palmer, a well-regarded figure on the left.

“When I first met Barack Obama, he was giving a standard, innocuous little talk in the living room of those two legends-in-their-own-minds, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn,” Warren wrote on her blog in 2005. “They were launching him — introducing him to the Hyde Park community as the best thing since sliced bread.”

Hmmm. If an unrepentant domestic terrorist who planted bombs in the U.S Capitol, the Pentagon and other government buildings--and still believes "I didn't do enough"--thinks Barack Obama is "the best thing since sliced bread," what does that say about Obama?

I wouldn't help launch the political career of anyone who believed significantly differently than I did; can we reasonably expect that Bill Ayers would?

I also wouldn't go over to someone's house for a meet-and-greet, serve on the board of a group they created and work with them on other projects if their ideology and their feelings about their country were significantly different than mine; can we reasonably expect that Barack Obama would?

Would you vote for someone who would pal around and work with Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh?


Anonymous said...

No - I would not pal around with Tim McVeigh and I wouldn't hand out with people who espoused detestable political views... I wouldn't go to their church, and I wouldn't hesitate, hem-haw, or reluctantly quasi-admit that their views are anti-American.

The difeerence between the Keating 5 scandal and teh Wright-Ayers-Alinsky-Flager scandel (aside from McCain's exoneration) is that McCain has described that period as the most difficult time in his life, where as Obama is remiss to acknowledge his political miss and stretchs the limits of reality to hide his past. Maybe he thinks he can call down "... beams of light" upon people, and cuase them to have a great epiphany... and forget that character counts.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Well said, Anonymous. McCain was eventually cleared of any wrong-doing by the Senate Ethics Committee investigating the “Keating Five,” but the committee chairman had recommended that McCain’s name be dropped from the investigation from the outset. It was Democrats on the committee that refused to drop McCain from the investigation as he was the only Republican named and they didn’t want this to be all about Democrats’ corruption. Those committee members should have been censured for unethical behavior for forcing McCain to go through the investigation for purely partisan political reasons, knowing very well that he and Sen. John Glenn were innocent of wrong-doing. (They had to keep Glenn under investigation in order to keep McCain implicated.)

Anonymous said...

Hello, its the economy stupid, Why don't you realize what the GOP has done to this great country of ours.

When Clinton lied no one died. Many of our 401k has taken such a bad beating, we are even afraid to look at our statements.

If its going to guilt by association everyone is guilty by association since we live in a society filled with conman and crooks.

Lets put aside everything for a moment and prioritize what this country needs.

1. The economy
2. Healthplan
3. Getting our troops out of Iraq (God bless them and their families)
4. Go after Bin laden in Afghanistan/Pakistan.
5. Balance the budget
6. Has anyone put in a serious thought about Social Security? Is it going to be solvent when we retire?

We can talk about various diversions. Are you sure about your jobs? If you are not going to have one, whats the use of all the blustering about something that happened 40 years ago.

Bob Ellis said...

Anonymous, you're either too dense to get it, have drank too much liberal Koolaid to get it, or just don't want to get it.

Republicans were far from alone in creating this economic mess. It was created by liberals, and there are far more of them in the Democrat Party than there are in the Republican Party.

We need to return to a free market economy, without government banking institutions like Fannie and Freddie, and get government out of the politically-correct affirmative-action loan-dictating business.

Our priorities should be
1) National security (which includes the continued search for bin Laden, a decisive victory in Iraq, and waging all-out uncompromising war on terrorism)

2) Return to a limited government that operates within the confines set by the U.S. Constitution (which means getting government out of the business of regulating business, which also means out of regulating health care as it currently does, and elimination of government health care schemes such as Medicare and Medicaid, and ditching Social Security in favor of private retirement accounts.

Our country has the problems it does because we've ignored our founding wisdom and thumbed our noses at our constitution. If we want to save America, we have to return to those roots, not drive off a Marxist abyss.

As for what happened 40 years ago, if you'd wake from your slumber you might realize Ayers has never repented of what he did, and in fact said on the day of 911 said he didn't regret setting the bombs and they didn't do enough.

Someone like Barack Obama who would work with someone like that absolutely cannot be trusted in the White House.

Unknown said...

First Obama claims that over a TWENTY YEAR period, he never heard a single anti-American racist sermon from Jeremiah Wright … never noticed the anti-American racist literature in the church’s lobby … never agreed to the ‘Black Values System’ that all the church members swore to … never subscribed to the Marxist ‘Black Separation Theology’ espoused on the church’s website … never knew anti-American racist Louis Farrakhan, who the church awarded a life time achievement award to … and, never knew unrepentant terrorist William Ayers, when Obama launched his campaign from Ayer’s living room, sat on a board together, and whose wives worked at the same law firm
. Obama also worked with Acorn, who has been caught in massive voter fraud, in behalf of Obama. Obama obviously shares an anti-American racist, and criminal philosophy with some very unsavory people, continues to lie about it, and does not have the character, or integrity to be President of the United States of America !!!

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