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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Thursday, October 09, 2008

Hoosier Madness

Indiana blogger Paul Ogden has this report that is being linked all over the blogoshpere:

It's the elephant in the room that Indiana election officials don't talk about. Voter registration numbers in the counties have been growing dramatically far above what is possible given the population.


I knew that the numbers would start exceeding 100% at some point and the election officials couldn't keep ignoring the elephant in the room - how do you have more registered voters than people eligible to vote? Well Indianapolis has now reached that point. Let's do the math.

According to STATSIndiana, In 2007, Indianapolis/Marion County had an estimated population of 876,804. Of that number 232,607 were below 18 years of age, for a total of 644,197 people in Marion County/Indianapolis 18 or over and thus eligible to vote. (Indiana allows felons to vote as long as they are not incarcerated).

So we have 644,197 people eligible to be registered in Marion County/Indianapolis, and 677,401 people registered. Congratulations go to Indianapolis for having 105% of its residents registered!
Indianapolis residents have wondered for years how Julia Carson kept getting re-elected to Congress. I guess we know the answer.


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