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Sunday, October 05, 2008

Palin Continues Firing on Obama-Ayers Association

Sarah Palin is keeping the heat turned up on what Barack Obama and the "mainstream" media would rather keep under the rug: Obama's association with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers.

From NewsMax, Palin defended comments she made yesterday about Obama "palling around with terrorists."

"The comments are about an association that has been known but hasn't been talked about," she said. "It's important to talk about how Barack Obama kicked off his political career in the guy's living room."

Indeed. Ayers is more than "just a guy in the neighborhood" as Obama has described him.

Obama worked on the board with Ayers of an organization created by Ayers. They have also worked on other projects together. And, as Palin said today, Obama's political career was launched by a meet-and-greet Ayers held for Obama in his own house.

This gal Sarah Palin is making it harder for the media to keep ignoring this story; they'd rather talk about Todd Palin's 20 year old DUI and books Palin didn't ban.


Anonymous said...

Ayers contributed a total of $200 to Obama when he was running for the state Senate in Illinois. Ayers never made any other donations to Obama

How about McCain's relationship with G. Gordon Liddy a radio host and convicted Watergate burglar?

Liddy has acknowledged preparing to kill someone during the Ellsberg break-in "if necessary"; plotting to murder journalist Jack Anderson; plotting with a "gangland figure" to murder Howard Hunt to stop him from cooperating with investigators; plotting to firebomb the Brookings Institution; and plotting to kidnap "leftist guerillas" at the 1972 Republican National Convention -- a plan he outlined to the Nixon administration using terminology borrowed from the Nazis. (The murder, firebombing, and kidnapping plots were never carried out; the break-ins were.) During the 1990s, Liddy reportedly instructed his radio audience on multiple occasions on how to shoot Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms agents and also reportedly said he had named his shooting targets after Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Liddy has donated $5,000 to McCain's campaigns
since 1998, including $1,000 in February 2008.

McCain has appeared on Liddy's radio show during the presidential campaign, including as recently as May.

Listen to McCain on Liddy's show on 11/10/07

Check out Liddy's many radio programs that strongly support McCain

in November McCain praised Liddy for his adherence “to the principles and philosophies that keep our nation great,” Chapman reports.

Anonymous said...

Palin's approach is - as AP described - racially tinged. Nobody reacts to McCain's ties to G. Gordon Liddy, connection to Keating Five, or Todd Palin's connection to the Alaskan Independence Party. The average voter nevertheless raises eyebrows when Obama is linked to Ayers, because he is black.

Just imagine if Obama had John McCain's record:
(i) a broken first marriage, ending up in an affair,
(ii) a wife who is addicted to drugs,
(iii) former "terrorist" friend G. Gordon Liddy,
(iv) linked to the Keating Five scandal,
(v) a vile temper, known to use foul language.

or if he had Sarah Palin's record:
(i) a pregnant teenage daughter,
(ii) a mediocre degree,
(iii) a secessionist sympathizing husband,
(iv) a nexus with a Kenyan witchdoctor,
(v) an abysmally low IQ and lack of basic understanding of economy & foreign affairs.

Anonymous said...

So this Ayers guy is a terrorist? And he's running free right here in America? Why is this REPUBLICAN administration not locking up this TERRORIST but letting him go just like they did with bin Laden?!? I'm so sick with these terrorist-loving Republicans! It's time to let Democrats show what they will do.

Anonymous said...

I am always amused by these mindless Obamabot minions who show up in droves at blogs all across the web. Some of those folks are paid staffers, some are volunteers, many are Obamabot zombies.

Discussing Obama's friendship with terrorist Ayers is fair game. Discussing Palin's "Troopergate" affair is fair game. Discussing Obama's decades long close association with "God damn America" Wright is fair game. Discussing Todd Palin's past participation in this Alaska "secession" organization is fair game.

Those topics and many other topics are fair game while those discussing relate facts and truths. These issues point to a person's character and judgement. Those issues are only fair game when discussed with maturity and common sense. Most, not all, but most of what I read being written by Obama staffers at blogs, most of this is simply not true. I also read "stretching of the truth" by McCain supporters, but much less in number and much less in wild claims.

Part of this disparity in numbers between Obama and McCain blog commentaries is Obama can afford to pay people to work blogs in massive numbers. McCain cannot afford to have the same done.

A point which is critically important is all these "bad" people associated with Palin or McCain, none of those people blew up buildings nor perpetrated violent terrorist acts upon our country. Yes, there is Troopergate and there is Keating, there are other incidents of not good favor, but none of those incidents involve widespread terrorist attacks on our country, much like the 9-11 horror. Ayers and his old friends are terrorists, this is beyond debate.

Very few, most likely no readers here would associate with Ayers. This would be like associating with Islamic terrorists. This is distasteful, this is inappropriate, this is selling out your dignity at a cheap price. Obama using Ayers to launch his political career, Obama maintaining friendship with Ayers, Obama simply being in the company of Ayers, is a slap across the face of our country and is for Obama to sell his dignity to further his political career. This does call into question Obama's character and his judgement.

Obama associating with Ayers is like one of us playing golf with O.J. Simpson.

These issues are fair political game but must be addressed with fairness and truth. We cannot afford to play deceitful games; our country's future is at stake.

Okpulot Taha
Choctaw Nation

Anonymous said...

Witness the death throes of the McCain/Palin campaign ... aint' it sweet !
----------------------------------Why would America REWARD complete Republican failure ?

We wont.

Bob Ellis said...

Well said, Purl Gurl.

Anonymous said...

The Bill Ayers and Rev. Wright issues ARE fair game, valid and important. It's just that someone is conspicuously absent....the Main Stream Media. I give a big YES to Ms. Palin bringing this to the attention of the American people, especially since the perky one wont.

Anonymous said...

Dittos, Paul Gurl.

McCain was eventually cleared of any wrong-doing by the Senate Ethics Committee investigating the “Keating Five,” but the committee chairman had recommended that McCain’s name be dropped from the investigation from the outset. It was Democrats on the committee that refused to drop McCain from the investigation as he was the only Republican named and they didn’t want this to be all about Democrats’ corruption. Those committee members should have been censured for unethical behavior for forcing McCain to go through the investigation for purely partisan political reasons, knowing very well that he and Sen. John Glenn were innocent of wrong-doing.

Trying to tie McCain to Liddy is silly. This is pure Obamaesque spin. The association between the Obamafurer and the bomber/murderer Ayers is both true and substantial.

Dakota Voice
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