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The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Friday, October 10, 2008

Real Americans Terrify the Media

Isn't it amazing that the "mainstream" media still insists on calling themselves "mainstream" and "objective" and "fair?"

I don't think most people believe that, but there may be enough naive people who still do to sway an election.

The average American simply finds it hard to accept that media "professionals" would so brazenly distort their coverage. Most people aren't this boldly deceptive, so they find it hard to believe someone else would be--especially a "professional."

But the Media Campaign for Obama rolls on.

This is an excerpt from an email from someone covering a McCain-Palin appearance yesterday, sent to WTMJ 620 NewsRadio:

At the media breakfast at the Pfister Hotel about an hour ago, you would simply not believe the vicious, nasty conversation I just overheard between several "elite" media types from the McClatchey news service, AP, and a couple of other sources I didn't quite catch.

Over the course of just a few minutes, I heard that "Sean Hannity gives Dick Cheney the best head of his life," that he and Lou Dobbs are "mean-spirited sycophants," and that McCain himself is "angry" and "crusty." One even recalled a recent campaign event at which Sarah Palin autographed a supporter's Bible, prompting this "objective" journalist to remark "these people terrify me."

The "mainstream" media say average Americans are "out of touch."

They have that one exactly backwards. Would that they'd all move to Cuba where they could be happy in the socialist paradise and leave everyday Americans alone.


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