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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Seeds of Financial Crisis May Have Been Sown by Barney Frank

While apparently common knowledge in Washington for some time, the relationship between Barney Frank and Herb Moses was only brought to national attention last evening by Bill O’Reilly. The conflict of interest that is obvious in this relationship was treated as verboten because of the gay implications and the fact that the scandal involved a Democrat. Had this been Larry Craig who sat on a committee that regulated an organization for which his gay lover worked, well, you know we’d have had investigations and hearings and the MSM salivating over themselves in orgasmic excitement. Exposing homosexual proclivities is only tolerated by the “gay community” when Republicans are involved, otherwise we get an indignant “how dare you” from the Left.

So here, as the presidential campaign heats up, we find that the financial crisis that began with the collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac may in some part have been due to the activities of Congressman Barney Frank on behalf of his live-in homosexual lover Herb Moses. We can expect the MSM to react in their now predictable fashion: “Yawn.”

From the American Thinker website:

Why Barney Frank resisted additional regulation of Fannie Mae
Ethel C. Fenig
While Bill O'Reilly absolutely exploded at Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) on his Fox news show The O'Reilly Factor, screaming at him, "Shouldn't everybody in the country be angry with you right now?" - while asking Frank to remove himself as chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, which oversaw Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, O'Reilly was uncharacteristically reticent about another factor in Frank's personal life which bear upon these institutions.

What a shame.

Bill Sammon of Fox News explains
Now that Fannie Mae is at the epicenter of a financial meltdown that threatens the U.S. economy, some are raising new questions about Frank's relationship with Herb Moses, who was Fannie’s assistant director for product initiatives. Moses worked at the government-sponsored enterprise from 1991 to 1998, while Frank was on the House Banking Committee, which had jurisdiction over Fannie. Both Frank and Moses assured the Wall Street Journal in 1992 that they took pains to avoid any conflicts of interest. Critics, however, remain skeptical. And they have every reason to be skeptical; Moses and Frank were lovers who lived together from 1987 until 1998.


Larry Linn said...

So McBush takes credit for warning about Freddie and Fannie, to close the door after the horses have left the barn. Where were President Chaney and Vice-President Bush? They said that the economy was "sound". Sounds like B.S. How many Freddie and Fannie lobbyists are on the McBush Election Committee? I guess that when you own more houses than you can count, you do not understand or worry about the Residential Mortgage industry!

Anonymous said...

Freddie and Fanny were cash cows for the Democrats almost from their inception. They forced lenders to give mortgage loans to folks who'd been much better off as renters, then empowered F&F to buy up these mortgages and overvalued prices, enhancing the portfolios of men like Franklin Raines and Jim Johnson (both Obama advisors) to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. Of course, these men took good care of the guys in Congress who made it all possible. In only two years Obama became the second largest recipient of largess from F&F, surpassed by Chris Dodd.

Like it or not, Mr. Linn, this is a Democrat scandal and your guys are setting you (and all of us) up for the ultimate "sting." F&F will be forgotten quickly as we descend into a new depression at the same time coming under repeated attacks from Al Qaeda. Obama and the Chicago Machine have wonderful plans for us just like Lenin did in 1917.

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