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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

No on Amd J Group Formed to Oppose South Dakota Term Limit Repeal

A group has been formed to oppose South Dakota Amendment J to repeal term limits for South Dakota legislators.

Term limits were approved by the voters in South Dakota in 1992, and at that time they included term limits for our federal representatives in addition to state officials. The limits on South Dakota federal officials was thrown out by the courts, however, leaving limits in place for state officials.

The "No on Amendment J" folks sent out this press release today:

Contact: Don't Touch Term Limits 605-222-0299

The committee for keeping Our Term Limits in place has been formed!
Don't Touch Term Limits, has built a round table committee to oppose the November Constitutional Amendment J.
Follow the campaign on-line at

"The people of our great state set these limits in the State Constitution by a wide margin in 1992. They had good reasons then and those reasons are still valid today. Nobody wants career politicians like Ted Kennedy in South Dakota." Says Rick Skorupski, Chairman of Don't Touch Term Limits. "What is truly important to understand is that people have to choose NO to maintain our current term limits."

In 1992 64% of South Dakota voters, over 204,000, chose to impose term limits on legislators, the Governor and Lieutenant governor. Now 82 career legislators want you to change it (just for them).

Don't Touch Term Limits will welcome the help of anyone who agrees that term limits are here for a valid reason and thinks our South Dakota Constitution should not be changed just to entrench some politicians in Pierre.

NO on J 4’x8’ Highway signs are in and we are looking for locations across the state to spread this important message.

Current public opinion on the issue is strong over 64% of South Dakota Voters support Term Limits. The polling also shows that when asked how you will vote on Amendment J, support drops to 49%. “This is why we formed Don’t Touch Term Limits and we encourage every voter across the state to become educated and vote No on Amendment J” said Skorupski.

Eliminate South Dakota’s Term Limits Law?

The Campaign can be reached: PO BOX 9483 Rapid City, SD 57709 605-222-0299


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