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Thursday, October 09, 2008

McDonalds Leaves Pro-Homosexual Organization

Perhaps McDonald's felt the pain of pro-family conservatives speaking their mind with their wallets because OneNewsNow reports McDonald's vice president Richard Ellis resigned from the board of directors of the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce.

About three months ago it was reported that McDonald's had donated $20,000 to the pro-homosexual NGLCC. McDonald's has also been supporting homosexual "pride" parades.

The American Family Association (AFA) and other pro-family conservatives decided at that time to boycott the seemingly family-friendly restaurant for it's overt hostility toward marriage and family.

But the latest news indicates McDonald's will not be filling the seat on the NGLCC board vacated by Ellis.

In a press release on Thursday morning, AFA reports that in an email from McDonald's to its franchise owners the company stated its policy is "to not be involved in political and social issues."

Randy Sharp is director of special projects with AFA. He says McDonald's has pledged to remain neutral in the culture war surrounding homosexual marriage.

How ironic that, in the first place, McDonalds and other organizations pander to an immoral and unhealthy constituency that only makes up 2.9% of the population, risking alienating the 82% of Americans who still identify with Christianity; the Bible makes it clear in both Old and New Testaments that homosexuality is immoral under all circumstances.

Perhaps the reason McDonald's and many other businesses are willing to pander to immoral groups is because, unlike most Christians, those groups are not afraid to speak their minds--and speak loudly. Perhaps if more conservatives and Christians would hold businesses financially accountable for courting immorality, there would be a lot less pandering to homosexual activists.

My children will be pleased by this news. My family hasn't set foot in a McDonald's since the restaurant's support of NGLCC came to light.


Anonymous said...

My husband will be really happy with this news as well. He used to go to McDonalds every morning for coffee and a breakfast burrito, but hasn't stepped foot into the place since AFA reported on their ties to the Gay and Lesbian group.

Bob Ellis said...

Thank you and God bless you, friend, for your commitment to truth and to what's right!

Unknown said...

I guess I will return to Mc Donald's, reluctant to support them, But I want them to know that I appreciate thier discontinuance of supporting the homosexual agenda. I hope millions of boycotters return to Mc Donald's tomorrow, so they can realize the value of making the right decisions

Anonymous said...

If Mcdonalds hires an immoral and unhealthy homosexual, isn't that the same as supporting the homosexual agenda?

Anonymous said...

No, it is not the same. Hiring sinners isn't the same as proclaiming sin is good.

Anonymous said...

Should McDonald's fire openly gay employees?

andrewdudek84 said...

Should McCDonald's fire openly heterosexual fornicating employees?

Firing sinners isn't the problem, not crying out to God for their souls is.

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