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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Joe Biden Fear Mongers About Fear Mongering

I really shouldn't have been shocked, but I was. I've observed liberals in the wild for long enough, I should have known better. Still, there I was with my guard down when the liberal struck according to his natural instincts.

This morning I read from that Joe Biden had engaged in some fear-mongering by branding Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin's statements about Barack Obama's association with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers "fear and loathing."


"You know, the idea here that somehow these guys are once again injecting fear and loathing into this campaign is ... I think it's mildly dangerous."

You have to love the audacity of these liberals...



Anonymous said...

Joe Biden said is exactly right. What Palin is doing is injecting fear and loathing into the campaign. Let call it what it is.

Bob Ellis said...

So doing the job the "mainstream" media refuses to do, and telling the truth about Barack Obama's associations with dangerous, America-hating people is "injecting fear and loathing" into the campaign.

Thanks for clarifying that, Anonymous.

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