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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Brides and Grooms Make a Comeback in California

We recently learned that in addition to California's efforts to rewrite nature, marriage and family, they were also banishing brides and grooms from the official documents of that state.

The terms "bride" and "groom" were sanitized from marriage forms by the social revisionists who overrode the will of the people of California and magically declared the "right" for homosexual couples to call themselves "married."

However, OneNewsNow reports state officials are relenting and bringing back "bride" and "groom" to state forms.

In a notice posted on its Web site, the California Department of Public Health says it is making the change because many couples still wanted the option of identifying themselves in traditional terms.

When same-sex marriage became legal in the state on June 16, the health department issued new gender-neutral marriage forms with the words "Party A" and "Party B" where "bride" and "groom" used to be.

Hopefully the people of California will be able to override the revisionist judges who declared themselves a legislative body, and restore marriage to it's sacred status in California.

If voters approve next month, they will go beyond the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) they passed in 2000 and enshrine the definition of marriage in the state constitution, theoretically putting marriage beyond the reach of activist judges.


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