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Saturday, October 11, 2008

Video: Doctors Address Medical Concerns Over Pro-Life Measure

At a press conference at the Rapid City office of on Thursday, Dr. Daniel Franz, Dr. Mike Statz, Dr. Donald Oliver, and Dr. Pamela Schmagel addressed medical concerns over Initiated Measure 11, South Dakota's pro-life bill.

Opponents of the measure which would restrict abortion except in the case of rape, incest, the health of the mother and life of the mother have forwarded a rare fetal malady called Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS) as a reason why IM 11 should not be passed.

The doctors today stated that due to the highly technical nature of the treatment, treatment for TTTS is not even done in South Dakota. However, even if it were, it would be covered and allowed by IM 11.

Doctors also pointed out that the procedure which can result in the death of one of two twins is not always required in the already-rare instances of TTTS. Other treatments exist which can save both twins.

Doctors explained that IM 11 is designed to make a distinction between medical care designed to save human life, versus abortions which are intended to deliberately end human life.

NOTE: Due to an equipment malfunction, I missed about 3 minutes of the press conference toward the end; the missing section is between Part 1 and Part 2 of these videos. There were also some difficulties with sound, so the volume is low but audible.

Part 1

Part 2


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