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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Leftist Radicals Defend Unrepentant Terrorist Ayers

It seems a bunch of Leftist educational elitists have banded together in defense of domestic terrorist Bill Ayers.

WorldNetDaily reports hundreds of academic elites have signed a statement of support for Ayers.

Do they really expect this to mean anything to average Americans? How stupid do these elitists think we are? Pretty stupid, I'm sure...but I'm equally sure we're not.

They include lots of lofty sentiments about "challenging orthodoxy" and dogma, and say that characterizations of Ayers as an “unrepentant terrorist” and “lunatic leftist” are "unrecognizable to those who know or work with him."

Really? If Ayers has repented of his terrorism, I'd really like to see that. The last I knew, Ayers was still saying

"I don't regret setting bombs. I feel we didn't do enough."

He also recently bashed Americans fighting to keep the South Vietnamese free from the oppression of communist thugs.

Ayers also and bashed capitalism as being "built on exploitation, theft, conquest, war and racism."

He also said capitalism "must be defeated."

Since Barack Obama went to this man's home for a meet-and-greet launching Obama's political career, and Obama has worked with Ayers on various projects around Chicago, do we really want to elect someone who associates with a person who STILL holds such loathing for America?

Ayers isn't an "unrepentant terrorist" or “lunatic leftist”? These academics either can't or wont' admit that he is both, because they have too much love for "lunatic Leftists" to either see it or admit it.


Anonymous said...

Bill Ayers is the Timothy McVeigh of an earlier generation. The only significant difference between them is that McVeigh was smarter, more talented and more successful.

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