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Thursday, October 09, 2008

Libraries Accept Smut, Refuse Material Critical of Homosexuality

Isn't it nice how the tolerant, open-minded Left just can't see it's way to entertain anything critical of it's pet causes?

If someone even broaches the idea of not having the pro-homosexual "Daddy's Roommate" in a library...oh, the nerve! What CENSORSHIP!

But donate a book to a library which might point out the immorality of homosexuality, or perhaps the myriad health risks involved...oh, the nerve! How dare we offend homosexuals?

We used to consider it a worthy thing to warn people about dangerous behaviors; we seem to have "outgrown" such provincial attitudes.

Apparently the Left believes everyone is entitled not only to be free of offense, but deserves a right to destroy their body and soul without the slightest warning.

How enlightened of them.


SafeLibraries® said...

Bob Ellis:

Given what you said, you'll really love this:

"Some 'Censorship' is Good," Annoyed Librarian, Library Journal, 8 October 2008.

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