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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Senate Candidate: Homeschoolers, Pro-Lifers, Gun Owners Threaten American Values

I haven't been following closely the Virginia senate race between Democrat Mark Warner and Republican Jim Gilmore (to replace the retiring Senator John Warner).

But I came across this clip this morning and found it startling. I found it startling not for what was said--because I hear Democrats saying things like this every day, just not ones running for office--but because someone was actually able to record it. Democrats--at least ones running for public office--are usually more circumspect about their true feelings like this.

In this clip, you'll hear Democrat Senate candidate Mark Warner tell a group

you're going to see a coalition that has just about completely taken over the Republican Party in this state and if they have their way, it's going to take over state government. It's made up of the Christian Coalition, it's made up of the right to lifers, it's made up of the NRA, it's made up of the homeschoolers, it's made up of a whole coalition of people that have all sorts of different views that I think most of us in this room would find threatening to what it means to be an American.

So Christianity is threatening to what it means to be an American?

So living out one's faith as if it really mattered is threatening to what it means to be an American?

So protecting innocent human life is threatening to what it means to be an American?

So defending the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms is threatening to what it means to be an American?

So parents teaching their children, to preserve their moral center and ensure a quality education, is threatening to what it means to be an American?

Well, I guess I've been wrong all these years about what it means to be an American

And apparently the people who founded America were also wrong about what it means to be an American.

Because the kind of things Mark Warner finds repugnant and threatening to what it means to be an American...these are the kind of values the Founders held to be so deeply important.

It's interesting to know that people like me and people like the Founders didn't understand that being an American is really about total sexual license, denial of the Creator who gave us our rights, and total subservience to the state.

I'm glad Mark Warner set us straight on that.

It is very, very rare indeed to see a Democrat with the courage to tell us what they really believe, and set us straight on "what it means to be an American."

HT to


Anonymous said...

The majority of Democrats, at least those in leadership roles, belive the same as Mr. Warner. It is rare to hear them actually tell their constituency how they feel knowing very well that they cannot be elected if the truth is spoken. Yes, I'll nominate Mr. Warner for the "Golden Cajones" award for his outspoken bigotry.

Anonymous said...

Being a resident of Virginia, a staunch Republican, a pro-lifer, and a homeschooler, this really boils my blood.
To hear about this from a Dakota website really bothers me-something as important as this in identifying Mark Warner's views has been kept out of the media around here, it's so disheartening that voting citizens are swayed and educated from the ultra-liberals.

Bob Ellis said...

I understand your frustration, Anonymous. Last year, an embezzlement scandal involving a Democrat operative was reported in a Louisiana newspaper and in The Hill from D.C....but South Dakota's largest newspaper--just a few blocks away from where it happened--refused to report on it.

Unknown said...

...It is too bad Mark Warner and his ilk feel they cannot trust honest citizens. For the record, I have guns (not NRA, though), I homeschool my kids and they are outstanding students and citizens.
I am also offensive to Warner because I love and follow the Lord Jesus Christ.
...If all these people do take over the GOP like he says they will, why should he care? At least they do care, and they are doing nothing illegal.
...Mr. Mark Warner ought to be ashamed of himself, but he may be beyond shame, like so many others in his party.
...Why should we trust him and them? They are pro-death (pro-abortion), pro-big-government, pro high taxes, socialists, supporters of class warfare, pro-criminal, and environmental wackos like Al Gore.
...Mr. Warner really has nothing to fear from me - it is really pitiful that he thinks he does - he ought to know better.
...I think real adults try to get along with most everybody, even with those who differ politically.
...Daniel Webster said that a good Christian makes a good citizen, or words to that effect - it is really too bad that Mr. Mark Warner
is so against Christians believers and other groups on the right.

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