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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

CNN Expose on Obama-Ayers Association

It's almost unheard of that I would have anything good to say about CNN, but I must give credit where it's due for their pretty thorough examination of Barack Obama's connection to domestic terrorist Bill Ayers.

While most of the "mainstream" media--including CNN--has so far largely ignored Obama's associations with the man whose group, the Weathermen, bombed the U.S. Capitol, the Pentagon and many other buildings, CNN has finally decided to actually do some journalism.

The video below is of CNN's report on Obama's dealings with Ayers; as you'll see, they're far more extensive than Obama's dismissal of "a guy in the neighborhood" lets on.

The Cleveland Leader also examines the CNN report, putting into text a considerable analysis of the CNN video. The Cleveland Leader article also shows a photo of Ayers doing what he does best: trampling the American flag.

From the Cleveland Leader article:

Obama himself has tried to downplay the relationship, arguing that "Ayers was just another guy in the neighborhood."

Ayers, however, was far from being just another guy. He co-founded the organization Weather Underground, which took credit for multiple bombings and targeted the Pentagon and the Capitol. Ayers was later acquitted of charges against him and joined the faculty at the University of Illinois in Chicago. But claims that Ayers is a "former radical" are unfounded.

AS the CNN piece revealed, Ayers may no longer use force, but he is still a radical. Just a few years ago, he told the New York Times that he didn't regret his past terrorist activities and that he believed he and his friends "should have done more." Furthermore, in April 2008, Ayers published a blog post in which he ranted against capitalism, describing it as a tool for oppression, thuggery, and slavery.

More on the associations of Obama and Ayers:
One of the places that CNN found the two having repeatedly crossed paths was Chicago's Annenberg Challenge project. Reporters scoured through board minutes and other records, which they say "according to program participants and records Bill Ayers fought to bring the Annenberg grant to Chicago." It was a "$50 million grant" that would be used to "match locally raised funds to improve schools".

According to CNN, Obama was "recruited as the chair" of Ayers' organization aimed at bringing the Annenberg project schools in order to improve the system: "For seven years, Bill Ayers and Obama, among many others, worked on funding for education projects including some experiments supported by Ayers."

CNN also found that Ayers and Obama served "on the board" of a second organization, the Woods fund. "Among its receipients: Jeremiah Wright's Trinity Church where Obama attended and a children and family justice center where Ayers' wife worked."

How about Obama's political career?
Shortly after joining the Annenberg board in 1995, a female state senator appointed Barack Obama as her apparent political heir. “Where was that introduction made?” CNN questioned? Simple: “in the home of the 60s radicals Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn.”

Obama didn't know about Ayers' terrorist past? Suuuuuure.

And Obama now denounces Ayers' terrorist acts...but doesn't denounce his own involvement with Ayers (most of us might have said something like "If I had known, I never would have allowed him to launch my political career, joined the board of an organization he created, or worked with him on the many projects I did.")

And let's not forget: Ayers is completely unrepentant for his terrorist acts, having stated on 911 that "I don't regret setting bombs. I feel we didn't do enough."

Barack Obama seems to find himself surrounded by people who loathe America: domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and even his never-been-proud-of-my-country wife Michelle Obama.

You know what they say about birds of a feather; can all of this disdain for America surrounding Obama be a mere coincidence?


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