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Sunday, May 06, 2007

Tolerance With a Bullet

More love and acceptance from the peddlers of tolerance. If they shot Archbishop Bagnasco, it wouldn't be considered a "hate crime" though, so I guess it's okay. :-0

From WorldNetDaily:

Archbishop Angelo Bagnasco no longer celebrates Mass in the cathedral of Genoa, Italy, with assistance from altar boys or deacons – not since the death threats began after he spoke out against government plans to legalize same-sex unions.

Bagnasco, recently appointed head of Italy's Conference of Bishops, stirred controversy last month when the group issued a statement directed at Catholic lawmakers, reminding them of their moral obligation to oppose the move toward mainstreaming homosexuality.

Following the comments, threatening messages – "Shame on you, Bagnasco" and "Death to Bagnasco" – signed with the five-pointed star of the Red Brigades terror group were painted on the walls in the city, including those of the cathedral.

The Red Brigades, very active in the 1970s, have assassinated several senior Italian public figures in recent years. Fifteen alleged members of the communist organization's members were arrested and jailed three months ago, reported the Glasgow Sunday Herald.

Recently, a mailing to the archbishop included a bullet and the cleric's picture with a swastika scrawled on it.


Haggs said...

I don't know, Bob. I don't think it's fair to lump those who support same-sex marriage together with an Italian terrorist group. Those Red Brigade guys seem to be the ones sending threats.

Bob Ellis said...

I don't know. Is it the Red Brigades...or mean to look like it's coming from them?

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