From the Akron Beacon Journal:
``The more culture becomes frank and crude about sexuality, it becomes more and more appropriate for the church to address the issue of sexuality,'' Paris said. ``The church can address the issue in a healthy, dignifying and respectful way and we need to be proactive rather than reactive to what secular sources are teaching about sex. I applaud pastors who are meeting the challenge.''
As the student of history knows, the Roman Empire was pretty open and vulgar about sex, so this is nothing new that Christianity has had to deal with.
As our culture falls away from its Christian heritage (and as many in Christianity fail to engage the culture and make the case for relevancy), it's no wonder our civilization is becoming more crude; it's simply reverting back to the most basic human elements--after all, it's secular humanism that we're trading Christianity in for.

``God invented sex for our pleasure. But sex is not just a physical act, it is a mingling of souls that happens between husband and wife,'' said Herron, whose church meets at 10:30 a.m. Sundays at the Kent Stage, 175 E. Main St. ``Sex is a very spiritual thing. That is why it is sacred and why God reserves it for a husband and wife. The church should be very transparent about it.''
It is unfortunate that ministries have to deal with these issues (they should be dealt with at home), but given the state of our culture, I think there is no alternative. Other than to allow the "anything goes" pagan approach to reign unchallenged, that is.
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