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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Parents Support Abstinence

From OneNewsNow:

The National Abstinence Education Association (NAEA) is drawing attention to the Zobgy survey, which claims when parents become aware of what abstinence education teaches versus what comprehensive sex education teaches, support for abstinence programs jumps from 40 percent to 60 percent, while support for condom-based "safe-sex" programs drops from 50 percent to 30 percent.

NAEA executive director Valerie Huber says she is convinced there has been a "misinformation campaign" about abstinence education throughout the media.

"Once parents understood that abstinence education is really holistic and includes some of the core components, such as building healthy relationships, strengthening self-control, developing skills that will improve their chances for a healthy future marriage, and even the benefits of choosing abstinence after being sexually active," Huber notes, "parents want that message given to their teens."

The media and sexual anarchists would have us believe abstinence is something only religious wackos believe.

Nice to see there's still some sanity out there.


Haggs said...

Now who's misinforming who? You make it seem like the people against abstinence-only sex ed are encouraging kids to have sex. But that's wrong.

Abstinence is the cornerstone to all sex ed programs, even the ones that also teach safe sex. They tell kids that abstinence is the best option, which is true. They they also realize that the reality is that some kids will use their God-given free will and choose to have sex. Even abstinence-only programs won't stop some kids from making that choice.

So they are trying to protect the kids who are making those choices. If they choose to have sex, hopefully they'll use the info they get from that sex ed class to be safe.

But, like I said, they still teach that abstience in the best option.

Bob Ellis said...

How effective do you think an anti-drug program would be if they taught kids, "Don't do drugs. But if you do, make sure you buy from a reputable dealer and don't share any needles. Here's a list of good places to get clean needles and "safe" dope. And here's a set of instructions on how to safely smoke, snort and shoot-up if you do choose to do drugs."

Do you think that would be very effective in discouraging kids from doing drugs?

Would you judge such a program as really being committed to keeping kids off drugs?

Scott Blaine said...

The problem with this poll is similar to the problems with abstinence-only education -- neither are based in reality. Check out this analysis of the poll on RH Reality Check.org

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