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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Monday, May 07, 2007

Poll Results: Global warming is...

The results of last week's poll on global warming were pretty unreliable. They were trending in a fairly balanced manner, then overnight suddently slid one way. The poll was supposed to prevent voting more than once by the same person, but when I tested it, that safeguard wasn't functioning at all. For what it's worth, here's the results:

  • caused by human activity 88.93%
  • the result of a natural planetary climate cycle 4.20%
  • caused by increased solar activity 4.20%
  • probably not happening at all 2.67%

I'm trying another polling group for the new one on Nicolas Sarkozy; when I tested it, it appeared to prevent more than one response from the same person.


Anonymous said...

when the poll's don't fit the answers you were seeking with the question ... present biased possible answers.

A credible poll question might be:
Do you believe the newly elected conservative administration in France will benefit the US?
A) Yes.
B) No.

As opposed to :
How do you believe the hand picked
leader the Bush Administration wanted elected, who was ushered in just how we wanted him, will affect international relations.
A) People who hate America will be pleased more ...
B) People who love freedom don't care what people who don't listen to AM talk radio think.

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