According to Fox News, General Petraeus is "greatly concerned" about a survey indicating a low number of military personnel would report hostility toward innocent civilians.
Petraeus said he was drafting a memo that would closer examine issues of battlefield ethics and ways pre-empt possible problems, adding that he was "greatly concerned by the results" of a Pentagon report last week by a special mental health advisory team assessing forces serving in Iraq.
"So the first step is that we've got ... make sure that folks remember that that's a foundation for our moral compass ... anything we do that violates that is done at considerable peril," he said.

Is it any surprise that when a civilization adopts "whatever is convenient" for their standard of morality, this would bleed over into military ethics, too? You can't expect a society to have an "it's okay for me" attitude about some moral matters, yet maintain the highest ethical standards in other areas.
We reap what we sow.
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