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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

EU Slams Croatia for "Homophobia"

Here's the kind of stuff "hate crimes" laws can bring. The Croations are preparing a curriculum that opposes homosexuality and teaches abstinence


The EP’s move against Croatia follows a resolution passed two weeks ago by the EP to take “homophobic” countries to court. First on their target list was Poland, which members of the EP vilified as “hateful” and “repulsive” for refusing to promote homosexuality in schools, in a debate in Brussels April 25.

At issue was proposed Polish legislation that would make it illegal to teach pro-homosexual material in schools.

Leaders of the European Union governing body made it clear there was no room for opposition to homosexual activity in the EU. “Such a law, if it were to emerge, would be in contradiction with the European human rights convention and the EU charter on fundamental rights,” said Vladimir Spidla, European commissioner for equal opportunity.


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