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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Abortion and Divorce

Fred Hutchison at Renew America has an interesting piece on "The link between abortion and divorce."

In his book Ethics, written in a Nazi prison in 1943, Bonhoeffer wrote, "Marriage involves an acknowledgment of the right of life that is to come into being, a right which is not subject to disposal by the married couple. Unless this right is acknowledged as a matter of principle, marriage ceases to be marriage and becomes a mere liaison."

The bible tells us that man and wife become "one flesh"(Genesis 2:24). This mysterious union is an act of God. It is God's plan to bring forth children through this united entity of God, husband, and wife. The fabric of the marriage is woven into this design.

I recall Sylvia Rhoden's testimony, given at several events last summer and fall, about the abortion she and her husband had many years ago, and the enormous strain it placed on their marriage. She expressed gratitude that, unlike many couples who had aborted a child, their marriage survived.


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