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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Story Update: Rapid City Pro-Life Arrest

Julie Smoragiewicz from the School of Mines called me back right after I posted the piece primarily consisting of my interview with Capt. Steve Allender of the Rapid City Police Department earlier today. I was on my way out the door to an appointment, so I quickly interviewed her, took notes and just posted an update to the earlier article.

I had looked on the SDSM&T website yesterday for the policy, but must have been using the wrong search keywords, or maybe the site isn't indexed well, but Smoragiewicz pointed me to it tonight and a link is here.

The policy does state that it includes not only commercial solicitation, but "political, religious, and other organizations and individuals representing public policy issues." Whether that is a constitutional policy, I don't know. The Rapid City Police Department believes it is, and it'll be for attorney Stephen Wesolick and the courts to work out.

I'm still working on getting a look at that video taken at the scene; it's in 8MM video format, and I don't have a camcorder in that format. Wesolick is having the video digitized, but it may not be for a few more days.


Angie said...

I know that SDSM&T isn't the only school that's had issues with protestors on campus. The SD Board of Regents is drafting a new policy that will apply to all six universities in the system. Even if SDSM&T currently has its own system, that will probably change with the 2007-2008 school year.

I have no idea what that policy will look like (and it's not for lack of digging)...but I'm sure you'll hear about it as it's released.

Anonymous said...

The professional nutjobs arrested at Tech who demanded the courtyard so they could agitate students without following the schools proper procedure don't think it's fair to call ahead first like a good hostess would. Because going to a college and begging to have negative attention paid to them and their graphic signage (not unlike the Freakshow of Fred Phelps) is a first amendment right.

Of course, it is equal treatment, since a USD student and the director of a USD student organization were arrested April 23 for trespassing on at North Dakota's Trinity Bible College campus after laying homemade shawls in support of justice for gays, lesbians, transgenders or bisexuals on the ground.

Equal treatment is just so unfair when thou ist holier than we, ain't it?

The profesional abortion shock jockeys are demanding special rights ...

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