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Friday, May 11, 2007

Congress 35% Approval Rating

Seems the Pelosi House is polling about as low as President Bush.
From NewsMax:

The survey found only 35 percent approve of how Congress is handling its job, down 5 percentage points in a month. That gives lawmakers the same bleak approval rating as Bush, who has been mired at about that level since last fall, including his dip to a record low for the AP-Ipsos poll of 32 percent last January.

The particularly interesting fact about the Democrat Congress' low rating is that while President Bush has been the subject of a withering, unfailing, relentless, over-revved media propaganda campaign for several years, the Democrats have--thanks to their propaganda arm known as the "mainstream media"--enjoyed the positive coverage we've come to expect Democrats to receive.

It must be so frustrating to control 90% of the television and print media coverage, yet still not enjoy public popularity.


Anonymous said...

I heard the president's approval ratings have gotten down to around 28% now.

Dakota Voice
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