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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Arrested Pro-Lifer Retains Alliance Defense Fund Attorney

I spoke with Kortney Blythe, Director of Campus Life Tour, and Stephen Wesolick, an Alliance Defense Fund attorney in Rapid City, this afternoon and got some additional info on the arrest of the pro-lifer at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology yesterday.

Blythe said they are on the road to Minnesota right now, but she will try to get me some still photos taken during the incident yesterday. I'm also working on viewing a copy of the video the group took; Blythe said they videoed the whole thing, and Wesolick confirmed he has a copy of it.

I didn't have time to attempt contact with with the School of Mines this afternoon, but says though they attempted to get a quote from SDSM&T:

Officials from the university did not respond to requests for comment from by press time.

You can read my report on what I found out this afternoon here. Sounds like the young man who was arrested has a good case and will be mounding a "vigorous defense" to the criminal charges, and a civil lawsuit may be possible.

I'll provide additional updates as I get them.


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