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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Rapid City Police Believe Arrest of Pro-Life Presenter Constitutional Under School of Mines Policy

Police believe individual may have wanted to be arrested


Joey Cox, a team member of a pro-life group called Campus Life Tours (CLT), was arrested Monday when he and his eight-member team came to the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (SDSM&T) in Rapid City to give an anti-abortion presentation.

Cox had called the SDSM&T earlier that morning to advise the school that they would be coming to give a “free speech” presentation, but Julie Smoragiewicz, Vice President of University and Public Relations at the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology told him school policy required two weeks notice. Cox indicated they would come to the school anyway.

Capt. Steve Allender of the Rapid City Police Department said today that according to the official police report, Smoragiewicz called police at 9:47 am Monday.

The report also said Cox called the police department after talking to Smoragiewicz and was connected with Sgt. Elias Diaz. The two discussed possible repercussions if Cox proceeded to come onto the campus. (Full Story)


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