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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Dealing with School Bullies

The Rapid City Journal dead-tree edition today features a column on C8 from Tom McMahon on dealing effectively with school bullies.

It's a much better way for students who have affiliated themselves with homosexuality to deal with bullies than legitimizing the practice with the "Day of Silence."

Here's an excerpt:

Ask the principal to place a “bully box” in the library. Similar to a ballot box, with a lock and key, both victims and witnesses can fill out an incident report and place it in the box for a school administrator to read. Organize a student committee to rally around those who are bullied, and shower them with supportive letters and words of encouragement. For more details about starting a campaign of compassion, contact Emily and Sarah’s mother at

This applies to any students who are bullied--because those affiliated with homosexuality aren't the only ones bullied--but I mention the Day of Silence specifically because the justification for this event is bullying.


Anonymous said...

is it possible that you actually spend more time a day thinking about the sexual activity of others than you think about your own wife, Mr. Ellis?

Bob Ellis said...

I find it interesting that some people find it necessary to make their illegitimate sexual activity a public thing, then when someone points out the error of their ways, the one who brought their sexuality out in public in the first place says the other person is "sex obsessed."

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