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Friday, May 04, 2007

Teen Sexual Activity Down

Teen sex is on the decline, says a new CDC report. Sexual activity is down significantly across teh board, with a dramitic drop from 81.4% in the black community to 67.6% from 1991 to 2005. Teen pregnacy rates are down, too.


Crouse says the increase in abstinence programs over the past decade parallels the decrease in sexual activity. While the media routinely condemn abstinence programs as ineffective, the legacy of “safe sex” education is an explosion in teen pregnancy rates and STIs.

“During the 30-year reign of condom-based sex education, teen sexual activity increased, teen births dramatically increased and teen abortions were going up,” Crouse pointed out. “What’s different now? Have teens suddenly learned how to use condoms more effectively and consistently than adult women who are using contraception but are frequently surprised nonetheless to find themselves pregnant? Somehow, I doubt it!”


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