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Friday, May 04, 2007

Problems with "Debunking" Abortion-Breast Cancer Report

WorldNetDaily features a piece on numerous problems with the recent "debunking" abortion/breast cancer report. It quotes Andrew Schlafly, general counsel for the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.

"The average age of diagnoses of breast cancer in America is 61 years old," concluded Andrew Schlafly, general counsel for the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. "But the average age of participants in this study was only 42 years old, too young for the average person to develop breast cancer.

"This study is as meaningless as drawing conclusions about heart disease by looking at teenagers," he said.

Thirdly, he said, "the research study deliberately excluded women who had had abortions and then died from breast cancer!"

Those who developed breast cancer early in the follow-up also were excluded, he said. "So those who were hurt most by their abortions were excluded, and this skewed the results towards a claim that abortion is safe," he said.

Researchers also made huge assumptions that would have left the results not reflective of the truth, he said. "The research study treated women who left the specific question about past induced abortions blank, perhaps due to embarrassment, as though they did not have an abortion," he said. "Many would draw the opposite conclusion.

"By switching women from 'had an abortion' to 'did not have an abortion,' this would inflate the numbers of breast cancers by women who ostensibly did not have an abortion. It would then falsely appear that abortion did not cause breast cancer," he said.

Schlafly also suggested the research may be questioned because "none of the researchers hold positions in oncology, the specialty devoted to cancer, and one of the researchers is a nutritionist."

He also noted that the study concealed that 92 percent of the study group were "non-Hispanic white" subjects, and that African Americans, a population group reporting among the highest percentages of abortion, and Hispanics were virtually absent.

Read the whole article here.


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