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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Women's Group Calls Amnesty International on Abortion Stance

Considers AI position an endorsement of forced abortion

May 1 /Standard Newswire/ -- Women for Life International, Inc. (WFLI) challenges Amnesty International (AI) to remain true to the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). In a press release dated April 25, 2007, WFLI stated that AI's policy would be seen "as an endorsement of the inhumane treatment of pregnant women who are forced to abort their children." AI responded with a rebuttal and asked for a correction on this statement based on AI's long history of opposition to forced abortion. While WFLI does acknowledge and appreciate AI's opposition to forced abortion, WFLI calls upon AI to be more consistent and persistent in ending this violation against humanity and women. (Full Story)


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