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Monday, April 30, 2007

Planetary Warming is Natural

Someone else who didn't get the memo that global warming is "settled science."

This is from Dennis T. Avery at Avery is a former senior policy analyst with the U.S. State Department and co-author of Unstoppable Global Warming -- Every 1500 Years.

The historic evidence of a moderate, natural 1,500-year climate cycle includes Roman writings, Egypt's early Nile flood records, and ancient Chinese court documents. The scientific evidence confirming the cycle has been literally "dug up" in the past 25 years, primarily from the oxygen isotopes in long, layered ice cores, and the one-celled fossils in the bottom sediments of lakes and oceans.

My favorite temperature proxy is North America's fossil pollen, which shows our continent has had nine complete shifts in its trees and plants over the past 14,000 years -- or one every 1650 years. In my native Michigan, the pollen says the forests during the warmings have been dominated by warmth-loving beech trees, with more oak trees intruding as the climate cools, followed by more pine trees. Today, 150 years into a warming, the pine trees are giving way again to the oaks, and the beech trees are waiting their turn.


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