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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Sunday, April 29, 2007

President Bush "Ain't" Alone

According to the Editor & Publisher's article, "President Bush's Approval Rating at an All-Time Low", by E&P Staff (April 27, 2007), the President's rating may be the lowest recorded for him, but he certainly isn't alone. Nancy Pelosi, the House Speaker that has been taking trips and involved in other actions that may well have put us literally at risk, is right down there in the lower percentile with him. And with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid even lower than President Bush, I think the Democrats might want to get off their power trip and start acting like responsible adults that were elected to serve "the people" -- not their personal beliefs and agendas.

We are in the middle of a war situation. This is not the time to play games and try to undermine the President of the United States in front of the world. This is not the time to make us look as though our government is divided and therefore weakened. To do so puts not only our troops in added danger, but us -- here at home -- in added danger as well. What part of this doesn't the Senate and House comprehend?

It is one thing to disagree and vote against a measure. It is quite another to "disrespect and put on a show for the world" of how the Democrats are now in charge and will stop the President from following through. I'm quite sure there are many that are cheering for the Democrats to succeed that aren't voters. People like terrorists! Terrorists -- like in those who like to blow up people! People that include us in our own country!

Democrats could have walked into the majority in the Senate and House as responsible adults, rather than like a gang trying to take over a turf.

(And if the Republicans ever did likewise before -- I don't care! I would have then said the same thing about them!)

What should have happened was some serious discussion and researching and more discussion and fact finding, instead of the challenges that were disrespectful of our government -- not just a particular president & his peoples & policies & plans -- especially when the disrespect took place in front of the cameras for all to see!

The power of the Democrats could very well be short lived and they will have no one to blame except for themselves, though I'm sure some might try to blame President Bush for that as well! Gotta be his fault -- certainly couldn't be theirs! That's what the playground gossip seems to be anyways!!!


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