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Friday, May 04, 2007

Illegal Immigration Promotes Lawlessness

Upholding existing immigration laws is not only practical, it's Biblical.

From OneNewsNow:

Mexico and other foreign government are wrong to use the United States as a "stopgap for their poverty" by encouraging their citizens to enter the U.S. illegally, the Biblical Family Advocates spokesman asserts. In addition, he says proponents of illegal immigration are wrong to teach children to disregard American laws.

"In Romans 13, it says we're to subject ourselves to the governing authorities," Magnan points out. "If I did not subject myself to the governing authorities, I would expect to be punished," he says. "And, if I am punished, am I supposed to tell people, 'Wow ... that wasn't very loving. That wasn't very kind'? Well, it's obviously not a fun thing to have to go through, being prosecuted for crimes; but the fact is, I have broken the law."

That's what it comes down to: promoting a culture of lawlessness...which we have too much of already.

If Americans believe we should allow aliens to move to the United States without any sort of restrictions or controls, then they can demand this of their elected representatives, or elect new representatives that will carry out their will.

Existing laws, however, wisely regulate immigration (for economic, legal, and defense reasons) and should be upheld.


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