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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The Stunning Lengths of Global Warming Fanatics

All I need to get my daily dose of laughter is to watch global warming apostles twist themselves into logical pretzels, trying to explain why something that is only happening in their head is actually going on in the real world. (Well, that and talk of toilet paper and fart reductions).

Seems the global warming wackos don't like it when science pokes a huge hole in their climate fantasies.

Now the Phil Plait at the ultra-liberal Huffington Post is trying to say that just because there are no SUVs on Mars, that doesn't mean SUVs aren't causing global warming here on earth.

See if you notice a pattern here:

What I found is that first of all, the evidence that Mars is warming up is tentative...However, the change may very well be local, confined to the southern region. Plus, we already know that other factors, like the shape of the orbit of Mars, contribute to climate change there.

This is only a local problem--if it's even happening. Can't be the same as what we know without a shadow of a doubt to be man-made on earth.
The claim about Jupiter warming is simply wrong. There are localized places where gas from deep in the atmosphere (where it's warmer) is bubbling up, but this is again a localized effect, and not an indication of global change. Jupiter's atmosphere is a very weird, turbulent place, and honestly we don't understand it all that well.

Like we've got it all figured out on earth! In other words: this is only a local problem--if it's even happening. Can't be the same as what we know without a shadow of a doubt to be man-made on earth.
Triton...If it's warming there, it's a seasonal change

This is only a local problem--if it's even happening. Can't be the same as what we know without a shadow of a doubt to be man-made on earth.
Since the effects of GW here on Earth are subtle, it's safe to ignore Pluto.

This is only a local problem--if it's even happening. Can't be the same as what we know without a shadow of a doubt to be man-made on earth.

How convenient! There's no similarity here because I don't want there to be.

All the rest of the warming going on around the solar system has nothing to do with solar activity--and the only connection is this huge 11,000 degrees F star in the middle of our solar system--and is all easily dismissed as natural. Yet here on earth, by golly, we know that we know that we know it's caused by man.

Uh huh.


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