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Friday, May 04, 2007

Day of Silence Not So Peaceful

Some folks didn't like it when parents protested the pro-homosexual "Day of Silence."


Described as “screaming, swearing and throwing food,” the students surrounded the half-dozen parents while several school faculty members and administrators stood by.

One parent, identified as Bruce C., told Mass Resistance, “At least one hundred kids were surrounding me like buzzing bees debating these arguments, some yelling degrading comments like "moron", "idiot", cursing, occasionally throwing food and wads of paper at me, burning my flyer, doing simulated homosexual sex acts, telling me they were going to sodomize me, boys were kissing and making out with other boys and girls were making out and fondling other girls to loud ecstatic cheering.”

Doesn't sound like these pro-homosexual students were very "silent" on the Day of Silence.

Doesn't sound very "tolerant" either.

Doesn't look like the opposing view was very welcome in several California schools, either.

You can look for much more of this type of treatment if the Senate doesn't reject the "hate crimes" bill or the president doesn't veto it. Remember, it isn't a "hate crime" if the victim isn't a protected class (e.g. heterosexual).


Carrie K. Hutchens said...

This is unbelievable! Perhaps a good suing or two would wake up the school officials and get them back to rational thinking mode.

Angie said...

Hate crime legislation doesn't protect "homosexuals," it protects people based on their sexual, all of them.

So, Bob, if the bill passes the Senate and doesn't get vetoed, the next time you are physically assaulted for being straight, or white, or male, or "Christian," you're more than welcome to enjoy the same protections.

Bob Ellis said...

If hate crime legislation protects people of all "sexual orientations," then we don't need a new law, do we? Existing murder, assault, etc. laws already do that.

Anonymous said...

Organizers put out 600 folding chairs on the lawn -- the spot where presidents are inaugurated -- and set up a huge stage with powerful amplifiers. But at 9:30 a.m. yesterday, not one of the 600 seats was occupied. By 11 a.m., as a woman read a passage from Revelations, attendance had grown -- to four people. Finally, at 1 p.m., 37 of the 600 seats were occupied, though many of those people were tourists eating lunch.

Where was everybody?

"This isn't that kind of event," explained Jeff Gannon, spokesman for the host, the International Bible Reading Association. Gannon, actually a pseudonym for James Guckert, had earned fame in 2005 representing a conservative Web site at White House briefings until it was revealed that he posted nude pictures of himself on the Web to offer his services as a $200-an-hour gay escort.

Let us pray for the power to understand how Gannon made his way from to the International Bible Reading Association.

Anonymous said...

Why Bob?

The House vote to include gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity in existing legislation, would have effect of (1) giving the federal government the authority to help investigate bias-motivated attacks based on those three categories, (2) provide additional resources to state and local agencies to help investigate and prosecute these crimes, and (3) allow federal authorities to get involved if local and state authorities fail to or just don't want to act.

Anonymous said...

religion is a protected class.

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