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The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Global Warming: "A Few Farts in a Hurricane"

Rush Limbaugh just read this on his radio show. It's a piece by Alexander Cockburn, and it's on several liberal websites. More information about how the global warming hysteria is a lot of hot air:

As Hertzberg says, water in the form of oceans, clouds, snow, ice cover and vapor "is overwhelming in the radiative and energy balance between the earth and the sun. Carbon dioxide and the greenhouse gases are, by comparison, the equivalent of a few farts in a hurricane." And water is exactly that component of the earth's heat balance that the global warming computer models fail to account for.

the human carbon footprint is of zero consequence amid these huge forces and volumes, and that's not even to mention the role of the giant reactor beneath our feet: the earth's increasingly hot molten core.

Go read the whole thing here.


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