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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Friday, May 04, 2007

46,000 National Day of Prayer Events Yesterday

Accoring to the Baptist Press, there were about 46,000 NDP events yesterday:

The National Day of Prayer Task Force estimated that 46,000 events across the nation would occur as part of the observance, which this year was marked with the theme "America, Unite in Prayer," based on 2 Chronicles 7:14, "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

"We pray for the strength to follow God's will in our lives and for forgiveness when we fail to do so," Bush said. "Through prayer, each of us is reminded that we are fallen creatures in need of mercy, and in seeking the mercy and compassion of a loving God, we grow in mercy and compassion ourselves."

Prayer also is meant to acknowledge God's sovereignty and the need for complete dependence on Him, the president said.

There were 17 registered in South Dakota (many small community events don't register) when I last checked about a week ago, which is more than ever for the state.

But holding an event, while good, isn't the most important part: a humble, prayerful spirit before God.


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