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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Because of political correctness we have lost a lot of Americana

By Gordon Garnos

AT ISSUE: Our nation's young people will never have the opportunity to know a significant part of our nation's folklore because of the push for political correctness. Political correctness may be important, but is it more important than loosing sight of the folklore and the many old songs engendered by the black people down through the history of our nation? A recent trip down south brought much of this folklore, with its music, to mind. Is exchanging this for political correctness what most of us really want? (Full Story)


Carrie K. Hutchens said...

While in college, I took a class called "Arts & Man". It focused on how the literature, music & art reflected the times. It was quite interesting and gave us a better understanding of those who came before us and how we came to be as we are.

I suppose the politically correct wish to sterilize our history into non-existence as in the SciFi movies, where books are forbidden and it is illegal to inquire about the past.

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