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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Wednesday, March 07, 2007

WorldNetDaily: Exposing the Associated Press

Joseph Farah of WorldNetDaily points out in his column today that Associated Press (AP), probably the most widely used news wire, is big on Leftist propaganda.

Farah points out that the New York Times, CNN and other media outlets catch a lot of deserved grief for their Leftist slant, but they may not be the biggest offender:

Yet, it is my considered opinion that one news agency gets off nearly scot-free from criticism despite being the worst purveyor of political propaganda and distortion.

I refer to the largest news-gathering organization in the world – the Associated Press.

The Rapid City Journal and most newspapers around the country use AP for their national news. Unless the newspaper is in a large metropolitan area, they just don't have the resources to investigate news on a national scale. So they rely on services like AP to bring world and national news to their readers.

Examples from the Journal today:

This has a lot to do with how liberal bias has become so prolific in our culture: wire services like AP that are used across the country spread the bias like wildfire, regardless of how much or how little the paper's editorial board leans Leftward.

Just something to be aware of when you're reading the newspaper: take everything with a grain of salt.


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