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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Religious Freedom Quashed in School

From OneNewsNow:

Several weeks ago, administrators at Heritage High School in Vancouver, Washington, denied a request from Christian students to start a prayer club. The students, who were not allowed to meet for prayer in a private room, instead gathered before school in the cafeteria to pray; however, they were reported by a student who claims to be a Satanist.

The school's vice principal then told the Christian students they could not pray in the cafeteria and would have to go outside. The Christian students refused and were suspended, some for three days and others for ten days. Staver says the students' constitutional rights were violated.

This is absolutely outrageous!

That we have sunk so low, and that public educators have so lost touch with the Christian roots of this country, and have such a lame understanding of America's highest law, that they would deny children their First Amendment right to pray!

If Christians don't quit sitting around, wringing their hands and belly-aching without going on the offensive to defend what is right, this kind of attitude is going to be entrenched as the de facto law of the land.


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