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Friday, March 09, 2007

Dems Baffle Themselves on Iraq

After four years of the Democrats telling President Bush how he's done everything wrong in Iraq, I'm glad they've come up with a clear plan for victory.

From the Washington Times:

Rep. Maxine Waters, California Democrat, of the Out of Iraq Caucus could hardly keep the details straight as she attempted to excoriate the plan proposed by her Democratic leaders.

'What they say is, if in fact there is no progress that we will pull out, if they can't certify by October, by December, but if there is progress, if they are doing well, we will stay,' she said. 'This would eventually get us out perhaps by March. The latest we would get out I guess with another progress report, or certification, by August of 1980.'

Come again?

'Wait -- August '08,' Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Illinois Democrat, quickly corrected her colleague.

'Oh, August '08,' Mrs. Waters corrected herself. 'That's how confusing it is.'

I guess we'll have victory if we don't have defeat, in which case it will be okay as long as it's not okay. Okay?

And the American people decided to trust these people with the nation?


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