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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Mass. Health Care Mandate: Sticker Shock

The National Center for Policy Analysis has a piece today on how the Massachusetts health care mandate may cost twice the original estimate:

Then-Gov. Mitt Romney estimated coverage could be obtained through the state-run 'Connector' -- which allows those who don't have access to employer-based insurance to obtain coverage -- for as little as $200 per month.

However, this January, when the state-run Connector announced its minimum plan requirements, some insurers projected their premiums would run as high as $380 per month -- nearly double the earlier estimate.

As the South Dakota legislature looks at health care ideas in our state with their Zaniya Project, they would do well to take note of this, especially since some of the same people involved in producing this "wonder" in Mass. testified before the SD legislature in January.


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