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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Thursday, March 08, 2007

Baby "Wrongly Aborted" and Survives

How many times has this happened, only with abortuaries sweeping it under the rug?

In Italy, doctors are trying to save a child who survived an abortion attempt after he was misdiagnosed with a fetal deformity.

From the Australian Courier Mail:

The child's mother aborted 22 weeks into the pregnancy after doctors from the Florentine teaching hospital, Careggi, told her two ultrasound scans showed a high risk of a defective oesophagus. But when the fetus was aborted, heart still beating, doctors realised the child had been perfectly healthy, and rushed to resuscitate him. The child's mother aborted 22 weeks into the pregnancy after doctors from the Florentine teaching hospital, Careggi, told her two ultrasound scans showed a high risk of a defective oesophagus. But when the fetus was aborted, heart still beating, doctors realised the child had been perfectly healthy, and rushed to resuscitate him.

Why not wait and see if the boy was going to be healthy, or even survive? Why not leave his life up to God?

Obviously God's a little smarter than even doctors.


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