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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Booster Seat Bill Vetoed

I've been critical of a number of Governor Rounds' initiatives in the past few months, so it's only fair that I give him credit where it's due.

The Argus Leader says this morning, he vetoed the booster seat bill that would have required children 5-8 weighing less than 80 pounds be in a booster seat in the car.

He said he has an initiative that encourages parents to use booster seats for “appropriate children,’’ but he told lawmakers in his veto message “I do not believe mandating and criminalizing their conduct is good public policy.’’

I'm all for requiring small children to be in a child seat, and I'm all for requiring older children to be in a seat belt (though I'm against mandating it for adults who can make their own informed decision to be stupid), but this bill was nit-picky and as the governor also said, difficult to enforce.

Kudos to Governor Rounds for his veto of "nanny state" legislation.

Hat tip to Chad at Clean Cut Kid (see, we CAN agree on something). :-)


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