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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Friday, March 09, 2007

Imus on Schumer about Walter Reed

NewsMax features a transcript of radio talk show host Don Imus, giving it to Senator Chuck Schumer about the Walter Reed Army Hospital scandal:

IMUS: This is not just something that has happened under the Bush administration.
SCHUMER: No . . . but with the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq the system has just been overloaded . . .

IMUS: Why haven’t any of you done anything about it?

SCHUMER: I tried . . . I’ve been pushing for better veterans benefits for years . . . We’ll get full funding for the VA this year for the first time . . .

IMUS: This is nonsense . . . You can’t possibly, seriously suggest that because the Democrats are now in power that something is going to be done about Walter Reed and about the mess at the Veterans Administration . . . That’s preposterous . . . Have you ever visited Walter Reed? When was the last time you were there?

SCHUMER: Not in a while, no . . . not since before Iraq…

Imus is a liberal, and while I can't stomach most of them (with the barely-articulate Ed Schultz at the top of the list), Imus at least has some intellectual honesty. I frequently enjoy listening to his show even though I seldom agree with him politically. I've often heard him get after Democrats for some of the stupid things they've said and done.

Wish I had heard this one...


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