Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has a severely warped understanding of Christianity.
From OneNewsNow:
He calls Jesus an exemplary revolutionary and often recalls the Bible passage that declares it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.

Contrary to what is popular in our socialism-saturated culture today, Jesus never had a problem with money, riches, or rich people in general (you might recall some of his most commended followers were very rich--Job, Solomon, etc.).
What God says is wrong isn't money, but LOVE of money. And though it may come as a shock to shallow thinkers, a poor man can love money just as much as a rich man, even though he may actually possess less of it.
In fact, since our culture has bought into the class envy of Marxism so much, it could be possible that many poor people are as guilty of loving money as are some rich people.
Anything that has become your obsession, especially to the point of covetousness, has become your god.
Chaves should rethink this, and many other things, in his quest to make a socialist ruin of Venezuela.
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