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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I'd Rather Immunize Than Parent

The Rapid City Journal has an editorial today advocating the taxpayer funded HPV vaccine.

One of the important aspects they gloss over is that it isn't "free" as they claim. It's being paid for by the taxpayers, which is you and me. Unlike mumps or measles, HPV is pretty much exclusively behaviorally related. So the taxpayers get to pay to protect people from exercising responsibility.

The editorial board also says remaining abstinent until marriage isn't "always attainable" when the girl grows up. Well, that's true. Many may not, especially if we demonstrate to them that we don't expect them to. And if as an adult they decide to ingore their parents advice and have sex before marriage, they can march themselves down to the nearest clinic and pay for their own HPV vaccination.

Some of those posting comments to the "Rapid Reply" at the bottom of the story have some telling remarks, such as "Reader":

"I think those mothers who feel heir daughters are saving themselves until marriage should wake up. This isn't the Leave it to Beaver generation anymore. The kids are engaging in "promiscuous" behavior in their early teens now, both male and female. It's not uncommon anymore to see kids as young as 13 or 13 going to the doctor for problems relating to sex."

With that kind of defeatist attitude that says, "I expect my kids to screw around," perhaps people like this SHOULD get their children immunized from the few strains of one STD that they can. Apparently there isn't going to be any parental reinforcement of responsibility to help protect these girls.


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