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Friday, March 09, 2007

"Faggot" is in the Eye of the Beholder

Though I don't think I'd have said what Ann Coulter said, at the same time I've thought the furor over her "faggot" comment in connection with John Edwards was little more than political opportunism by Democrats and their willing accomplices in the "mainstream" media.

Reinforcing my estimation is a story from CNS News about how Leftists have used the word "faggot" before with no recriminations:

Daily Kos postings have included the word 'faggot' at least three times in recent years, as have other liberal blogs -- without apology, and without generating a furor.

Read the article for a list of uses.

It's beginning to look like "faggot" is a lot like the words "queer" or "nigger." If you're in the group associated with those words, then apparently it's okay to say the word. If you're not in that group, then it's verboten and you're a heathen bigot.

Using a word that accurately describes someone or someones behavior is one thing; slurs that just seek to degrade are another. Maybe we'd be better off if everyone--even those who use such words about themselves and their own "groups"--left off the slurs.


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