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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Walter Reed the Next Katrina?

From Fox News:

'This is the Katrina of 2007,' said Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., comparing the hospital scandal to the 2005 hurricane that left Gulf Coast residents stranded for days without federal assistance.

You mean this is the biggest piece of overblown political opportunism we've seen since Katrina? Because that's what the "Katrina scandal" was. That was a case of blame-Bush-instead-of-the-state-and-local-nincompoops-who-screwed-up-evacuation-and-response.

This, however, appears to be a genuine problem. But while Schumer and the Dems lick their chops at another opportunity to blame Bush for something, people should realize that the neglect and bureaucratic mess at Walter Reed didn't just materialize in the last 6 years. This goes back through the Clinton administration and perhaps even before that.

Messes like this don't happen overnight. So we'll see whether the Dems in charge of Congress actually care about helping the troops, or whether it's just another vehicle to bash Bush for something.


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