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Friday, March 09, 2007

Disgusting at the Dahl

The Rapid City Journal has a piece on a rather disgusting French "performance artist" group called Costes who performed at the Dahl Fine Arts Center Wednesday.

After stripping off their grubby clothes, the pair gobbled potato chips and spit them on the crowd, vomited into a filthy commode and threw around fake feces and urine before being shut down about a half hour into what was to be a 45-minute

I won't reiterate the worst of what they did--you can go read the story if you want to know--but I don't think this fits within the category of "fine arts." Apparently even the promoter Kevin Dorsman agreed because he was the one who pulled the plug.

Any of us can make a mistake and end up with something we didn't expect, but Dorsman probably learned a lesson in doing much deeper research into the events he will promote in the future.


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